Newcomers Club of the Grand Strand Women Welcoming Women to the Grand Strand
enriching lives." |
Newcomers Club - About Us
NEWCOMER’S MISSION The purpose of the Newcomers Club of the Grand Strand shall be to provide opportunities for Newcomers to the Grand Strand to acquaint themselves with one another and the area in a variety of pleasant and friendly environments, thereby encouraging the development of lasting friendships. The Newcomers Club shall strive to provide its members with opportunities to participate in a variety of civic cultural and social activities. We are a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization and the club shall also undertake and promote within the community one or more charitable organizations as proposed by the Board of Directors each year. Membership The Newcomers Club of the Grand Strand is a club of women who now live in the Grand Strand. Please see the Join Us page for information on how to join. If you're already a member, but need to update your contact information, go to the Members Only Link, elect change of Address. You must be logged on to make any changes to your member profile. Organization The Newcomers Club of the Grand Strand is dependent on volunteers to keep the organization alive and vital. The Board of Directors is responsible for management of the Club and meets the second Wednesday of the month. See Board of Directors |
Monthly Coffees/Business Meeting
The Monthly Coffee/Business meeting are held the first Monday of each month. This is the main event for the Newcomers Club and all members are strongly encouraged to attend. A variety of venues and speakers are arranged to better acquaint the membership with the community. This is the place to get a first hand look at what the club is doing to participate if you choose, to encounter old friends and make new ones. It 's really the essence of what Newcomers Club is all about. There is some official business done, and usually a speaker on a topic of broad local interest. The general meeting flow: Registration: 9:30 am - Open to Members Visit our Sponsors and mingle with friends Business Meeting begins: 10:00 am Monthly Luncheons The luncheons are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month, September through May. With the exception of November and December when the luncheons are held the third Wednesday of the month. These are planned by the Second Vice President in coordination with the Club Board and are held at various locations on the Grand Strand. A program is presented. Reservations and money must be received no later then the Monday preceding the event. Money cannot be refunded once final reservations have been made. You should make every attempt to make your reservation at the monthly coffee. Committee members will be at the reservation table during the monthly coffee accepting payment which can be made by Cash or a Check, made payable to "The Newcomers". |